Nadia and Friends

Nadia loves to collaborate with musicians and bands who are often also her friends, very diverse in their personality and artistic background.
“Dialoguing” with communicative, sincere and reflective musicians is Nadia's favorite way to express her own musicality.

Creativity and courageous freedom, always respecting the harmony of the whole, are the characteristics that distinguish Nadia Braito's concerts with her fellow musicians. Creating music together means to share something profound and intimate. In life, as in music, communicating and creating with a kindred soul is a privilege. It means to support and to feel supported with generosity and vulnerability. Therefore in these gatherings something truly genuine and magical arises which is different moment to moment and not predictable. It all depends on the "Energy Gestalt" of the collaborators together.

In her career Nadia collaborates and has collaborated with bands and musicians of the most disparate personalities:

Ottavo Richter Band, Baraccone Express Band, Nadio Marenco (Accordion), Marco Xeres (Bass), Giuseppe Grillo Della Berta (Guitar), Antonello Iannello (G), Vincenzo Zitello (Harp), Dudu Kouateh e Ado Ima (Percussions and African traditional instruments), Guido Bombardieri (Sax), Umberto Petrin (Piano), Valerio Della Fonte (Double Bass), Livio Gianola (Flamenco Guitar), Mattia Magatelli (Double Bass), Simone Canclini (Guitar), Como Jazz Big Band (Special Guest Fabrizio Bosso) directed by Valentina Mazzoleni, Benny Bettane (Hang), Raffaele Kohler (Tromba)...

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