NAD-I-AM is the quintessence of Nadia's deep dive into human and universal consciousness through music. The NAD is the vibrational energy web connecting all dimensions, all beings, all there is, was and ever will be. NAD is the Sanskrit word for sound, while NADI means channel and flow. NAD-I-AM is Nadia's contribution to understand the mysticism of music and sound bridging divine consciousness to human existence. 

She is the creator and founder of "Concerts in Savasana", a series of meditative music sessions, in collaboration with musicians from all over the world: Dudu Kouateh (Africa, Percussion and African instruments), Benny Bettane (Australia, Hang), Roberta Bottari (Italy, Gong and Healing Instruments), Fausto Redaelli (Italy, Gong and Healing Instruments)...

Dossier Donna 

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